CivilScape -transparency is a key!


CIVILSCAPE is an international federation of 132 civil society organizations, public institutions and economic actors from 32 countries. This federation involves various members which dedicate their work to landscape protection, management and planning, according to the “European Landscape Convention” (Florence, October 20th 2000).

CIVILSCAPE is recognized as a non-profit organization and works independently. Basic principles are integrity, accountability, transparency and participation of civil society. The members of CIVILSCAPE formulated 2010 principles which are binding for all members.

CIVILSCAPE is dedicated to creating an enabling environment for civil society organisations and citizens involvement, documenting the landscape communities, strengthening the infrastructure of the citizen sector , and promoting collaboration, both among civil society organizations and between civil society organizations, political or administrative bodies and other actors, to advance the public good in Europe and beyond.


Name, registered office, address and year of incorporation

CIVILSCAPE is registered as a legal body under Dutch law by the Chamber of Commerce Centraal Gelderland  – 09182670

CIVILSCAPE is also registered by the European Transparency Register:

Identification number in the register: 66005431265-06
Registration date: 27/02/2009 16:14:26
The information on this entity was last modified on: 30/04/2019 19:00:06
The date of the last annual update was: 07/03/2019 10:15:01
Next update due latest on: 07/03/2020

Since decisions taken by the EU affect millions of European citizens, they must be taken as openly as possible. The EU institutions interact with a wide range of groups and organisations representing specific interests. This is a legitimate and necessary part of the decision-making process to make sure that EU policies reflect citizens’ real needs. The decision-making process must be transparent to allow for proper scrutiny and to ensure that the Union’s institutions are accountable. The European Parliament and the European Commission are committed to being open about the groups and organisations with which they interact.

Legal seat address:
CIVILSCAPE Office Utrecht

Contact address:

CIVILSCAPE was foundet in Florence on the 23 Ferbuar 2008.

Statutes, by-laws and the organisation's objectives

Tax concessions

Governance andkey decision-makers

Activity report

Personnel structure

Source of funds

Use of funds

Corporate law ties with third parties

Names of legal persons whose annual payments exceed 10 % of the total annual budget.