Archäologisches Spessartprojekt e.V.Archaeological Spessart Project e.V.

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The Archaeological Spessart-Project was founded in 1998 as a regional iniative by a few archaeologists and since then has developed to an institute for landscape research, communication and management. The ASP is active in the Spessart region but also on European level with many projcets and activities.

The Spessart is a large, upland region in the heart of Germany still dominated by woodland. Together with the Odenwald and the Rhön it forms the northern border of Southern-Germany. The human impact has changed this landscape several times, from a forested area to an early industrial area, a mainly agriculturally used area back to a forested area.

The main aim of the Spessart Project is to understand the development of the landscape through history and the mechanism of interaction between man and his environment. The project also aims to change the attitude of the local people toward their own landscape, to ”give it back” its history. The results are directed toward spatial planning and landscape management, where they shall advise and help foster the dialogue with developers and planning institutions.

The ASP is also very active on a European level, organising and participating in international and bilateral projects as well as a lobby organisation for the landscape. It co-operates with many universities and research institutes, is engaged in education work with children as well as grown ups and forms a platform for local and regional historians and researchers.





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