Lietuvos Krastovaizdzio Architektu SajungaLithuanian Association of Landscape Architects

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Lithuanian Association of Landscape Architects (LKAS) encourage and promote the works of their members, organizes exhibitions (the first one was about the Lithuanian landscape architects work in 2000 in Vilnius), conferences (in 2002. October 7-13 d. XXXIX adopted the Global International Association of Landscape Architects (IFLA) Congress which took place in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia), competitions, seminars, sightseeing excursions. Furthermore Lithuania Landscape Architects Association continuously publishin professional knowledge (before 2007 released already 31 number), and science. Articles sets like the Lithuania green future for 2001, or Landscape Architecture 2004 (both with ADT) and tender (Šventaragio Square in Vilnius material handling design competition 2003) round up this public activities. Since 2006 the Lithuanian Association of Landscape Architects informs contantly through their own website website

In 2006 Lithuanian Association of Landscape Architects (LKAS) united 60 members. LKAS composed of members, associate members and honorary members. Union members may be citizens of the Republic of Lithuania landscape architects and other allied professionals who work in the field of landscape architecture and has a creative work of art’s status requirements. The Conference is the supreme body of the union, which every two years elect a chairman and his 6-person board.

Since 7 January 2004 LKAS awards persons with the “Merit of Lithuanian landscape architecture”. The award can be given to all, which have earned respect by doing great services to the Lithuanian landscape architecture. In 2005 the award was given to Alphonse Hare awarded (posthumously), Konstantin Yakovlev-Mateckis and Vlad Miles.

In 1974 Architects’ Union was established in the commission of Landscape Architecture (1974, Daujotaitė of I.). In 1987 this was transformed into a community of Landscape Architects (Chairman A. Mituzas). 1995 members of this community initiative founded LKAS. Since 1992 LKAS is member of the International Association of Landscape Architects (IFLA) and the Lithuanian representative of IFLA is since 1992 V. Miles. Since 2010 LKAS is full member of the European Federation of Landscape Architecture (EFLA).





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