Observatori del Paisatge de CatalunyaCatalan Landscape Observatory

Legal seat:

The Landscape Observatory of Catalonia is an advisory body of the Government of Catalonia and Catalan society in general in matters of landscape. Its creation responds to the need to study the landscape, prepare proposals and sensitise Catalan society to the need for better protection, management and planning of the Catalan landscape in the framework of sustainable development.

One of the main purposes of the Landscape Observatory is to increase knowledge of Catalan landscapes among Catalan society and to support the application in Catalonia of the European Landscape Convention. In this sense, the Landscape Observatory will be the meeting point between the Government of Catalonia, local authorities, the universities, professional groups and Catalan society in general, in everything referring to the management and preservation of the landscape.

The Landscape Observatory, therefore, seeks to become a centre for the study and monitoring of the evolution of landscape in Catalonia and the factors conditioning change. It also aspires to become a point of reference for scientific and technical research in matters of landscape. The Landscape Observatory, in short, is conceived as a centre of thought and action in relation with the landscape.

The Landscape Observatory is organised as a consortium and is included in the Act for protection, management and planning of the landscape in Catalonia. It was legally formed on 30 November 2004 and its constitution was published in the Government of Catalonia Official Gazette (Resolution PTO/3386/2004).


The functions assigned to it in its Constitution are:

  • To establish criteria for the adoption of measures for landscape protection, management and planning.
  • To fix criteria for establishing the landscape quality objectives and the measures and actions necessary in order to achieve these targets.
  • To establish mechanisms for the observation of evolution and change in the landscape.
  • To propose actions aimed at the improvement, restoration or creation of landscape.
  • To prepare landscape catalogues in Catalonia in order to identify, classify and qualify the various existing landscapes.
  • To promote social sensitisation campaigns with respect to the landscape, its evolution, functions and change.
  • To divulge studies and reports and establishing working methodologies in matters of landscape.
  • To stimulate scientific and academic collaboration in matters of landscape, and the interchange of work and experiences among specialists and experts from universities and other academic and cultural institutions.
  • To follow-up European initiatives in landscape matters.
  • To prepare seminars, courses, exhibitions and conferences, as well as publications and specific information and training programmes on landscape policies.
  • To create a documentation centre open to everyone.

t: +34 972 27 35 64

Observatori del Paisatge de Catalunya
Carrer Hospici, 8
17800 Olot


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