Institut für lebensbezogene ArchitekturInstitute for Life-Related Architecture

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Institute of Life-based Architecture (ILbA) is based in Germany. ILbA uses transnationally, innovative, transdisciplinary approach to internationally promotes the balance of the inner and outer worlds of consciousness, people and landscape at the Heart of Europe through:

  • Landscape Strategies
  • Ethical and Sustainable Economy
  • Natural Health

ILbA is a an association of people with different backgrounds, cultures, professions and skills, united by their affinity to landscape as the basis of life in its whole dimension. ILbA’s mission is to strengthen the oneness between people and landscape by developing prospects for natural lifestyle in a healthy environment. Sustainable community life is fundamental to a functional relationship to landscape – ILbA supports ethical business activities that improve the well-being of individuals and society. Public participation, strengthening identity, conserving heritage and empowering a sense of place are the collaborative tools with which ILbA works to develop concepts of future landscape.<7p>

ILbA promotes the healing power of Nature through the improvement of public and private places, particularly in relation to the production of healthy food. ILbA’s concept of life-based architecture aims at building support for a balanced and healthy life in harmony with the landscape.





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